As most of you know, I go on BBC often. Well there are some posts on there that seriously make my blood boil. And I'm posting on here instead of there because people can't just take someones opinions and leave it at that. Heres the deal....I willn ot be breastfeeding this child. I didnt with myother 2 and I wont be trying with this one. SOmeone started a thread about being proud to be a formula feeder...great, i like somewhere i can talk to other moms who chose to formual feed. But the women who beat feed (Great for them, I admire that they can do that) Can't stay off of it. They feel the need to give us all the facts about breast milk and how its better. Do you really think you are the first person to tell me that my boob juice is better then the formula..I mean really. And they way they spew off their facts comes off so condesending. Like we are retarded and can't make an educated desicion for ourselves. Then it becomes so defensive. I have NEVER gone onto a breatfeeding thread because I dont do it...stay of the formula feeding thread if you are against it! It just bugs me so bad! I am not a bad mom because I chose to use something from a can instead of my ta-ta's! I'm chosing to love and feed my child...shouldn't that be good enough. WIll my child be sicker or healthier than someone whos child was Every child is different, being smart, sick, fat or skinny doesnt have to do with breast milk or not. And to insinuate that I wont have a close bond with my kids because I didnt breast feed are you freaking kidding me!?!? WHat about those mothers who despise breast feeding but do it anyway then resent their child for it, or the mothers who wanted to breast feed so bad but can't then they feel like they have failed as a mom. And I truly believe if people would keep their opinions, facts, statistics whatever to yourself...people wouldn't get so darn defensive abou it. I use formula and I'm proud....shot I even use generic store brand formula.....Call Child Protective Services....I'm a bad mom!
The Beatles Booth At Bob's Big Boy
2 days ago
Uh, I know! I haven't posted on BBC in a while because i'm kinda "over it all"
I really don't understand why they can't just leave it alone. Who cares if they want to BF?! I don't understand that with any issues on BBC. Just let people parent the way they feel is right. Grr!
Feeling you, Mel. I try to just stay on the informative and light-hearted threads because some people are just so getting their granny panties in big huge wads over EVERYTHING. I will do what I'm going to do and they can all do what they want too. It's a free country for now!
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